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Daily Prayers for 2021


  1. Sing Praises and Worship to the Lord
  2. Sing a Hymn
  3. Thank God for past years
  4. Thank him for the new year and the Salvation of your Soul and that of your family members
  5. Pray for mercy that God showers his mercy over our land and people
  6. Pray for God’s Power for Protection, Security and Victory over the influences of the enemy
  7. Pray for unwavering loyalty and commitment to God’s throughout the year
  8. Pray for God anointing to break every yoke most especially for those who are sick in the hospital, those who are plague by terrible diseases such as Cancer, Ebola, brain turmoil etc. those under terrorist attack and those refuges being displaces all over the world and those in Prisons
  9. Pray for success in all your ways, family life and businesses
  10. Pray for all you loved ones, your community, your state and nation most especially those in authority
  11. Pray for world peace and the reign of Christ all over the universe
  12. Pray that God will take control and heal our world from satanic torture, oppression and terrorism
  13. Pray for revival in our land and the love among all Christian denominations and faiths
  14. Pray for breakthrough this new year and refreshing for your soul
  15. Pray for spiritual empowerment for the Children, the youth and the elderly
  16. Pray for daily devotion and communion with God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
  17. Pray for your local Church, that God may add to His Church and help the leaders to remain focus of heaven and the riches of His Glory
  18. Any other areas that comes to your spirit
  19. Thank God for answering your Prayers


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